Monday, September 26, 2011

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Zebrasnout Seahorse

Very small Seahorses

Cora and Marion checking out the Leafy Green Seadragons

Cora checking the shrimps, there's a tubefish in there somewhere too.


Oooohh.  ZOMBIE!

A very small great white shark.  I could take this guy. 

Hammerhead and Tuna fishes, very delicious.

Cora and her Unicorn (from Aunty Oriana)


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Daily Cora Photos?

It's been requested that I try to take a photo of Cora every day and post it for people who don't see enough of her.  I can't promise anything, but here's at least one day in a row of posting photos!

Sunny Cove

New Apartment

Friday, September 23, 2011

August and Everything Since?

It has been a long time since I posted, mostly due to being super busy.  Since the last post, I've:
  • Graduated
  • Finalized acceptance for a new job
  • New place in Livermore
  • Moved three times
Nonetheless, I know that people want to see photos of Cora, so here's a backlog for you!

Cora and the fam at the Eel River    
Sarah, Linden, and half of Malanyon

Cora and Mama

Cora going in for a dip

NOOOOO!!! It's too cold, papa

Cora and Grampa Bruce.  Yay for pigtails

At the Abalone dive, cleaning the beasties

Abalone gut pearls

Cora says "check out m'socks"


Linden and Sarah

Cora, Holly, and Kim

Cora and Brian in their matching hats