Saturday, October 15, 2011

Morgan Territory

We've begun exploring the hiking options around us, now that we've settled into our place in Livermore. There is a huge (4000+ acres) park in the east bay parks district that lies about twenty minutes north of town, called Morgan Territory, that we decided to hike today.  There are tons of trails, and plenty of altitude gain if you desire, but we stuck to a mild ~3 mile loop that was relatively flat.  Here are some photos I took:

Lots of the area north of Livermore is tree-less due to over-grazing, but managed grazing patterns at the Morgan Territory have left many oak tree groves.  They are quite nice against the dry, brown California grasses.

Lunch spot.

Part of the trail system there is dirt roads, quite nice for schlepping a baby around on.

Local wildlife, a tarantula.

 A wash off of Prairie Falcon Trail.

Local wildlife, a redtail hawk.
NearIR of an oak tree

NearIR of Mount Diablo in the background

NearIR oak trees

NearIR dead tree full of woodpecker holes

NearIR, a closer view of Mt. Diablo.

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